Research Equipment
that makes a difference

Cape Catalytix is a brainchild of the UCT Catalysis Institute, arguably Africa’s leader in catalysis research. We manufacture bespoke catalytic research instruments that provide quality insight into materials research and chemical processes. This allows our clients to assume confidence in their research data.

We believe in the way science shapes our futures.

The advancement of the human race can be attributed to the great minds of our civilization. The individuals that dare to be different in the face of adversity. The brightest minds stay true to their path when the world turns its back. We at Cape Catalytix believe in the work that we do but we also believe in your work that you do. Contact us today and be at the forefront of catalytic research analysis.

IKEY In-Situ XRD Cell
Our new in-situ non-ambient chamber. Reaches temperatures of 550°C and pressures up to 20 bar. Let this quality product take your research to new environments.

Our new in-situ non-ambient chamber. Reaches temperatures above 400 and pressures up to 20 bar.

Universal controller
An integrated in-situ reactor cell controller for multiple temperature, pressure, and gas flow controller with computer assisted data-logging.
Reaction test unit
Catalytic reaction units are mobile / skid mounted. Our expertise utility provides for direct installation into laboratory infrastructures.
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IKEY In-Situ XRD Cell
Our new in-situ non-ambient chamber. Reaches temperatures of 550°C and pressures up to 20 bar. Let this quality product take your research to new environments.
Universal controller
An integrated in-situ reactor cell controller for multiple temperature, pressure, and gas flow controller with computer assisted data-logging.
Reaction test unit
Catalytic reaction units are mobile / skid mounted. Our expertise utility provides for direct installation into laboratory infrastructures.
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We’ve made progress a whole lot easier.

Bespoke products

Bespoke products

The work we do at the university allows us to have a unique perspective on problems and how to solve them.

Improved Insight

Improved insight

A greater cache of data leads scientists to make more informed decisions.

Quality manufacturing

Quality manufacturing

Our custom-built equipment is fully compliant with global manufacturing standards.

Improved Insight

Automated environments

With our new computer automated technology, you can create industrial conditions in the safety of your lab.


Improve the way you work in your lab.
Join us today.